Abbas Vahedian Shahroodi, imprisoned Iranian dissident, holding a 'No to Islamic Republic' placard

Jailed activist warns Khamenei he will share fate of slain militants

Monday, 10/21/2024

An imprisoned Iranian dissident has delivered a warning to Iran’s Supreme Leader through an open letter, predicting that Ali Khamenei will face the same fate as the assassinated leaders of militant groups Hamas and Hezbollah.

Writer, educator, and civil activist Abbas Vahedian Shahroodi is serving a lengthy prison sentence at Vakilabad Prison in the city of Mashhad, for his outspoken criticism of Khamenei.

“I suggest you open your eyes and clear the blood that has clouded your vision, so you can see the reality of Iranian society, which is being crushed under poverty, inflation, corruption, unemployment, prostitution, and addiction," Shahroodi’s letter said.

He further warned, “There is no need to look back at history; just look at the fate of your close friends like Ismail Haniyeh, Hassan Nasrallah, and Yahya Sinwar.”

In his letter, Shahroodi revisits his prominent 2019 open statement, in which he and 13 fellow political activists peacefully called on Khamenei to step down after two decades in power, emphasizing the pressing need for more competent governance in Iran, and a transition from the Islamic Republic to a secular and democratic government.

The initial letter, part of a larger movement, led to the imprisonment of many signatories, with Shahroodi stating that he and others have been detained on direct orders from Khamenei since its publication – while the activist has said that Khamenei has stayed silent in the face of criticism.

Amnesty International and other human rights organizations have documented Shahroodi's torture by the Ministry of Intelligence, including his prolonged solitary confinement on at least one occasion.

In his recent letter, the dissident further warns that Khamenei's leadership has not only inflicted severe internal damage on Iran but also contributed to the destabilization of the broader Middle East, where proxy groups under his influence, such as Hamas and Hezbollah, have intensified regional unrest.

Shahroodi criticizes Khamenei by referencing pivotal moments in Iran's modern history, from the Islamic Republic's founding after the 1979 Revolution to its ongoing suppression of dissent. He highlights key events, including the state-led mass executions of the 1980s, the prolonged Iran-Iraq war, and the authorities severe crackdowns on protests – such as the post-election unrest in 2009 and the nationwide demonstrations in 2017 and 2019.

"The Islamic Republic," he writes, "dragged the country into a long war with Iraq—a war that could have ended within the first few months but was extended to eight years at Khomeini’s will, imposing severe human and financial losses on Iranians."

Throughout his letter, Shahroodi accuses Khamenei of neglecting the deep-rooted issues plaguing Iranian society under his rule. He implores Khamenei to open his eyes to the suffering of the Iranian people and urges him to resign before it is too late.

Shahroodi’s 2019 letter, co-signed by other dissidents, was released on the 10th anniversary of Iran’s 2009 presidential election, widely regarded as fraudulent and followed by mass protests calling for regime change. Among the signatories were prominent activists, including Hashem Khastar, Gohar Eshghi (mother of murdered blogger Sattar Beheshti), and Mohammad Nourizad. A few months later, 14 Iranian women activists issued a similar letter, condemning theocratic rule for promoting gender apartheid and erasing women’s rights.

Several signatories of both letters have since been imprisoned or faced repression for their demands.

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